March blew by like a fucking tornado.

We got some writing and organizing done at the practice pad. We have several new songs on the bubble, and almost half a set worth of material that has not been performed live. We’re excited to be shopping for shows to bring them to you and light up the stage.

The cords are still all over the place, but that is what happens when creating. Sometimes chaos ensues. And that’s ok.

We had some visitors pop in and hang out with us. Nikki and Paul wanted to check us out before Paul went back home to Ireland. We do not have plans for a European tour this year, but if we did, we know we could rely on Paul to make some noise in Ireland for us!

Back to making noise… and kicking James’ ass into writing more updates so we do not appear to have gone into hiding.

Vocals takes a day off

And the instruments play HAHAHAHAHA


We ran through a bunch of ideas and roughed out several to show Chrsi what happens when we are neglected.

Short update post-practice, but that is what happened. We were left unsupervised and we went on a sonic exploration.

Fucking around

Not every practice has to be productive. Sometimes you have a shit week and want to blow off some steam. Or hit some steam. Or a vape. Whatever. At least the decor is on point

Tapestries never get old

So This week’s practice was the fucking around variety. We made the usual noises, had some fun with it and played some bad covers as well. Recorded a potential new song snip that we will revisit.


All in all, we had fun. Made fun of each other and maybe had a shot or two.

If you are not having fun with your band, why the fuck even show up? There are no bad practices. If everyone shows up, has fun, and resets for the week, it was good. We all do our homework and technique shit outside the practice pad. Once in that room with the amps on fucking fire, and the drums slamming, that is what it is about. If the chemistry is bad it will show up on stage. The ability to take a shit night and turn it into a fun night… is as important as nailing parts. That shows up on stage too.

On a side note – Bacon-flavored vodka? REALLY?!?!?!?! FFS – Why is that even in the practice pad?

If you visit us – you have to take a shot for your first visit. HAHAHAHA

  • James

Practice/Rehearsal 011223

Tonight was what it is about.

It is not every day your band grows as a crew. Something about tonight had that vibe. Yeah, we had some fuck ups and had to revisit a few parts, but that is to be expected. But tonight, we jammed. We flowed. Almost every song we played hit a pocket moment with us all.

I will be recording basslines for a single we are releasing soon. Being honest, re-recording. I am not happy with what I produced on my own, and Chris will handle the DAW for me while I put in a better performance. This is just the way it has to be sometimes. We are a band, not 4 stray musicians who happened to rent a rehearsal space together. I play our music better when I have one of my band bros with me.

2019 Seems like forever ago.

Every one of us has improved some aspect of our role. We are approaching this new year with that in mind. Passion is improvement. Honing our craft is improvement. Defying entropy to expand our scope and vision… that is the movement we maintain.

We gotta get an updated selfie next practice.

Stay tuned! Live stream coming at you soon.